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About Hewar

At Hewar, our priority is to provide you with a professional and
reliable translation service that meets your specific business requirements.

What we do

Hewar provides accurate and culturally sensitive interpretation services for seamless communication in multiple languages. Our team develops customized solutions, including instant automated translations, to integrate seamlessly with your business platform.

The story and values behind
our company


We are committed to providing our clients with the most accurate interpretation services possible. Our interpreters are highly trained and experienced, and they are always aware of the importance of accuracy.


We believe that our interpreters should always act professionally and ethically. They should be respectful of their clients and their clients' cultures.


We understand that our clients' conversations are confidential. Our interpreters will never disclose any information that they hear during an interpretation.


We understand that our clients have different needs. We are flexible and willing to work with our clients to find the best interpretation solution for their needs.


We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality interpretation services. We offer our services at a variety of price points, so that our clients can find the option that best fits their budget.


If you believe that you are a good fit for any of the positions available in our team, please don't hesitate to submit your application.